69. How Nonprofits Can Collaborate with Online Influencers + Build a Movement - Nick Lynch


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Meet Nick. This former Make-A-Wish kid knows what it's like to benefit from the nonprofit sector, and now he's paying that gift forward. Nick founded Collidescope, a social media analytics and measurement software-as-a-service platform allowing global causes, influencers and orgs to collaborate and track their cumulative influence and impact. Hear how a gamer raised more than $250K for a domestic violence shelter. He's talking partnerships between nonprofits & influencers, and we should all be listening.

Today’s Guest

Nick Lynch, Founder, Collidescope.io

In the U.S., there are over one million nonprofits that generate over two trillion dollars a year in economic activity, but only 13% of them use technology to further their mission.
— Nick Lynch, Founder and CEO of Collidescope

Episode Highlights

  • Nick’s moving background story and what inspired him to start Collidescope.io (2:09)

  • Non Profit trends you need to pay attention to (8:48)

  • Nonprofit digital engagement: where do we start? (11:13)

  • What is an influencer and how can nonprofits strategically leverage relationships with them? (18:13)

  • FREE Resources to help you thrive, inspire, and serve the world (25:14)

  • A powerful story of philanthropy in Nick’s life (30:36)

  • Nick’s One Good Thing: You can do so many things that don’t cost a single penny to help a nonprofit. (32:00)

  • For nonprofit friends: take a deep breath. It will take time and focus, but we will all figure out the digital space. (32:44)

Powerful Quotes:

“What collaborations, which partnerships, which tactics are really driving your goals? Whether that’s just driving awareness, or whether that’s actually driving donor increases, or fundraising.” - Nick

“There’s a whole new medium that we really haven’t focused on as a community-building tool.” - Nick

“How do we build a digital community?” - Nick

“What is the story you want to tell and what is the best way to tell it?” - Nick

“Communicating to your community, not from your legacy.” - Nick

“It requires now a new way of thinking about your community and communication to your community.” - Nick

“We have to build a muscle and we have to grow it.” - Nick

“Meeting your audience in the space that works for them.” - Becky

“It’s less about, ‘Well I’m uncomfortable with that,”… It’s more about the strategy of the mission and the message.” - Becky

“The goal is to create community. So, why do we put up these walls of places where a community’s happening and people already want to be? That’s where you need to go create your niche of community there.” - Jon

“Anybody has influence.” - Nick

“The end game of this is not money, the end game is community.” - Jon

“You can leave a lifelong indelible impact on someone that is for good.” - Becky

“Missions matter.” - Nick

“Transparency is key here.” - Nick

“It doesn’t cost money to do anything to help other than share a story. You don’t have to donate to help a non-profit.” - Nick

“To the nonprofit people: Take a deep breath.” - Nick

“Tell your people why you love something.” - Becky

Nick’s Steps of Where to Start with Building an Online Community

  1. Answer the question: “What is the story you want to tell?”

  2. Figure out the best way to tell your story

  3. Build a strategy

  4. Select one platform and get started - you can add more platforms later



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Use the We Are For Good Promo code to receive 50% off of your first month of a premium account: ForGood2021

Connect with Nick and collidescope.io

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Nick Lynch / Collidescope.io / We Are For Good Podcast / Jonathan McCoy, CFRE, Julie Confer, Becky Endicott, CFRE
Nick Lynch / Nonprofit Online Influencers / Collidescope.io / We Are For Good Podcast
Nick Lynch / Collidescope.io / We Are For Good Podcast
Nick Lynch / Collidescope.io / We Are For Good Podcast