212. Six Takeaways + One Good Thing From Season 4 - Jonathan McCoy, CFRE, Becky Endicott, CFRE, and Julie Confer

We Are For Good Podcast Season 4 Finale, Jonathan McCoy CFRE, Becky Endicott CFRE and Julie Confer

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Season 4 Finale 🎉 Tune in to hear the biggest takeaways we've gleaned from the 153 episodes recorded in 2021. Best of Season 4 + Year-in-Review joins Jon, Becky and Julie as they walk through 6 Takeaways + 1 Good Thing, and that one good thing is our final gift to you in 2021👐

Every single person we’ve brought onto the podcast has illuminated that we cannot go at this time in this season of work alone. We need to be in community to learn to understand what’s working, and what’s not.
— Becky Endicott, Co-Founder and Chief Storyteller, We Are For Good

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“So every single person we've brought onto the podcast has illuminated, that we cannot go at this time in this season of work alone, we need to be in community to learn to understand what's working, and what's not.” -Becky

“We need to be a community to understand our people and to understand what their needs are. And when I say our people, I'm not just talking about donors, I'm talking about your volunteers, I'm talking about your board members and your staff, the culture of your organization needs to be as vibrant as the community you're trying to serve.” -Becky

“We're in an industry that's so selfless, and everyone works a lot of hours. We're really focused, going into this next year, on how we can better take care of ourselves and look out for our teams.” -Julie

“We have to foster a culture that values self care, don't just value it, push your teams to embrace it.” -Julie

“How are you building back more in alignment with your values with your time now that we've kind of realized more what time looks like when you take it away? And in the same way? How are we doing that with our funders? You know, how are we stepping into these deeper relationships that are not just one dimensional with our funders, but really trying to value alliances, we can go deeper, and work to really solve the things that our missions are fighting for.” -Jon

“I submit to you look at what MacKenzie Scott did before she gave her gifts. She did a very deep research dive into organizations and not just their financials, not just their missions. She was looking at leaders, and are they empathetic leaders? How many people of diversity are in these organizations? How are they serving marginalized people? How are they serving their staff? What kind of leaders are showing up? These things are beginning to matter? And PS - they've always mattered.” -Becky

“It's crucial to be educated, and keep up with the people that we're serving.” -Becky

“Philanthropy is baked into our lives, not only with our personal lives, but our work.” -Julie

“We just had so many amazing conversations that made me excited about the future of philanthropy, and excited of how nonprofits can innovate and engage because it's going to be really fun to watch how it all plays out.” -Julie

“This is the generation that is going to lead our missions into this new era of philanthropy. Try it out.” -Becky

“But you just can't argue with some of the storytelling and people that we've met, that this point, everybody can do good.” -Jon

“We have interviewed an ex-sniper on the podcast, an Olympic medalist, different founders, an editor in chief for a global publication, executive directors, university professors, billionaires, and tech leaders. You know, it's funny, those that have done something to move the needle or following this nudge that they have at any level, whether they're an expert in that, or they just feel called to it.” -Jon

“At the end of the day, your story matters, your story has resonance. So wherever you're listening to this from look around, there are people around you who are just waiting to be activated and to do good. So connect with them.” -Becky

“It's just crucial to take a moment to sit and be quiet and actually think about what you want this next year to look like.” -Julie

“The team at New Story doesn’t feel limited by barriers. They envision a world that doesn't have homelessness, and they're just going to try stuff, and they're going to run at it and they're going to fail. And they're going to be totally okay with failing. Because it's done in community. And it's done with authenticity.” -Jon

“Aila told us that when we go into an organization, we start with understanding we're not the experts, and we just need to listen. And when you start at a place of humility like that, she is able to bring everyone together and the collective plan is what lifts the organization.” -Becky

“So Evan Feinberg with Stand Together Foundation took me to business school. The way that he thinks is was just so inspiring to me. They have discovered that their secret sauce to true social change is investing in social good entrepreneurs.” -Julie

“I hope you know that by virtue of listening, how much you mean to the three of us. And this only works when we come to the table in humility. To really just build a place where we can each be seen, we can share ideas and cheer each other on - because it’s hard. You know, there’s a lot of days that it’s really hard. But it’s okay when we’re together in community.” -Jon

“Every time that you speak into what we're talking about, it is so helpful, and it creates this kind of vibration in the community. And it helps us understand how we can show up and serve you. So find a way to pour into this community.” -Becky

“We value you. Thanks for being here. You're powering this community at every single level.” -Becky

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Get to Know Our Amazing Sponsor, Neon One
Neon One provides software solutions to growing nonprofits, but they do so much more than that. They’re also incredibly passionate about creating community in the social good sector.

We believe in the power of community. We’ve seen the greatest philanthropic movements happen when people work together to achieve common goals. Neon One can help you do just that.

They created Year End Giving Connections, a community that brings fundraisers together and empowers them to learn from each other’s experiences. Neon One experts will also provide helpful advice on meeting your fundraising goals this season. With weekly checklists and an active Slack community, there’s no better way to prepare for your year-end success.

Want to be a more connected fundraiser? Join their community today at http://neonone.com/weareforgood

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We Are For Good Podcast Season 4 Finale, Jonathan McCoy CFRE, Becky Endicott CFRE and Julie Confer
Six Takeaways + One Good Thing from Season 4 of the We Are For Good Podcast
Jonathan McCoy CFRE Quote
Becky Endicott CFRE Quote
Julie Confer Quote
Everybody Can Do Good