183. The Key Ingredients to Rock Your Year-End Giving Campaign - Caroline Fothergill

Caroline Fothergill, Marketer on a Mission, We Are For Good Podcast

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Meet Caroline. She's a Marketer on a Mission, and today she's walking us through how to build a year end campaign. The time is now! She's giving an overview of the year end campaign, then double-clicking on how to design and power one. She's giving tons of creative examples of how to engage, and she's sharing her secret sauce for connecting on social platforms: show up like a friend. Boom! If you haven't framed out your year end campaign yet, there's still time. Tune in🎧

Today’s Guest

Caroline Fothergill, Marketer on a Mission

I love this time of year, because it’s such a fun time to create campaigns, you can infuse your end of the year campaigns with so much joy and humor. Everyone’s in the spirit, everyone’s feeling disproportionately generous, so it’s just it’s a really opportune time to try new things.
— Caroline Fothergill, Marketer on a Mission

Episode Transcript

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Episode highlights

  • Caroline’s story and journey to where she is today (3:00)

  • Snapshot of year-end campaign planning (4:00)

  • Goal setting and calls to action for your end of year campaigns (7:00)

  • Cut through the noise: how you can surprise and delight in your end of year campaign (8:30)

  • Diversifying your communications channels: how you can leverage DMs, stories, and more (14:00)

  • Technology you can leverage to power your campaign (15:00)

  • Leveraging digital ads (20:00)

  • Stewardship following your campaign (22:00)

  • A powerful moment of philanthropy in Caroline’s life (25:00)

  • Caroline’s One Good Thing: Marketing is an ongoing experiment. (31:00)

Powerful quotes

“I love this time of year, because it's such a fun time to create campaigns, you can infuse your end of the year campaigns with so much joy and humor. Everyone's in the spirit, everyone's feeling disproportionately generous, so it's just it's a really opportune time to try new things.” -Caroline

“You don't have to do something massive, you can have a small ad spend or a small amount of money to spend on an artist or to create a video asset, and that can go a long way.” -Caroline

“I am typically a proponent of having one goal, one specific goal for every campaign. I think if you have the bandwidth, end of year is a great time to actually do two things at once.” -Caroline

“People are bombarded with sales and deals and asks, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't be right in the mix playing the game you just have to think of a way to stand out a little bit.” -Caroline

“Something I think nonprofits forget about is the principle of reciprocity.” -Caroline

“It's acknowledging and understanding that you have value and expertise that you can bring to this relationship.” -Becky

“There is something that we can put out there that really would be helpful to someone that really does make them feel seen and connecting it back to giving to your mission is just next level marketing.” -Becky

“There's so much heaviness in the world. So to create bright spot is value and creates humanity and connection that can help you break through.” -Jon

“Humor is like the greatest tool that too many nonprofits are leaving dusty in the shed.” -Caroline

“Everyone's pumping out emails which you must do and posting on social which you should do, but can you like, record an audio message of your team and send it to your Instagram followers as a DM they're going to be so surprised by that and amazed by that they're going to listen to it.” -Caroline

“If you're putting all of this effort into an awesome campaign, emails, ad campaign, whatever it is, but people are hitting this clunky, long donation form, it's like you're throwing money into the trash can.” -Caroline

“If you're not using the Google Ad grant, which is free money, lots of free money, you should sign up for that.” -Caroline

“If you're producing humor, joy, whatever, making a fun video, carry that through, carry that through your thank you through January.” -Caroline

“I realized that sometimes all you have to offer people is just a little put, like just a little bit of encouragement and a little push. And that could totally change their life.” -Caroline

connect with caroline

Website / LinkedIn / The Good Stuff Newsletter / Campaign Planning Worksheet

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Episode Sponsored by

Studio Selfie

Jonathan McCoy, Caroline Fothergill, Julie Confer & Becky Endicott

Jonathan McCoy, Caroline Fothergill, Julie Confer & Becky Endicott

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Caroline Fothergill, Marketer on a Mission, We Are For Good Podcast
Caroline Fothergill, Marketer on a Mission, We Are For Good Podcast
Caroline Fothergill, Marketer on a Mission, We Are For Good Podcast
Caroline Fothergill, Marketer on a Mission, We Are For Good Podcast
Caroline Fothergill, Marketer on a Mission, We Are For Good Podcast
Caroline Fothergill, Marketer on a Mission, We Are For Good Podcast