172. Channeling Pain to Purpose + The Mission of Roc Solid Foundation - Eric Newman

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Meet Eric. As a pediatric cancer survivor, he's all too familiar with the battle a family faces when their child is diagnosed. And that’s what drove him to start the Roc Solid Foundation building hope for kids fighting cancer by offering opportunities for them to do what they do best – PLAY. Tune in to hear their story, and hear about Eric's goal to inspire people to start businesses based on significance and success. It's an inspiring story of resilience and self-discovery.

Today’s Guest

Eric Newman, Founder, Roc Solid Foundation

All of us are given scars at some point in our life. It’s the fact that like, scars sometimes heal. I feel like it’s our job, our way to be able to show the world our scars for them to be able to learn by.
— Eric Newman, Founder, Roc Solid Foundation and Author, What Hope Looks Like

Episode Transcript

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Episode Highlights

  • Eric’s story and journey to where he is today (2:20)

  • Meet the Roc Solid Foundation (8:00)

  • Roc Solid Foundation’s flagship programs (13:00)

  • Eric’s Book: What Hope Looks Like: Use Your Pain to Fuel Your Purpose (19:00)

  • Leveraging entrepreneurial mindsets to fuel your purpose (22:00)

  • A powerful moment of philanthropy that has stuck with Eric (32:00)

  • Eric’s One Good Thing: Teach adherence to the values above anything else. (36:50)

Powerful quotes

“Everything changed because for the first time, first time in my life, when I spoke about that cancer journey, it didn't come out as pain. Like it came out as like a purpose.” -Eric

“I think it also is a testament to when we chase things that matter it is it is not something that is that is easy to jump to these are hard. These are hard, hard lessons that we're running toward.” -Becky

“Focus on the one which you wish to get to for the money.” -Eric

“No family should have to be split up on the day they're diagnosed.” -Eric

“And when the doctor walks in and tells the family the worst news of their life, in walks a Roc Solid “ready bag” and that's what hope looks like when it's not for what you'd hoped for.” -Eric

“So now this ready bag is a flashlight all the way throughout the journey.” -Eric

“I truly believe that people can live for significance and success at the same time, we just have to show them how people generally it's, I believe truly in the DNA that people want to do good, we just need to make it easy for them.” -Eric

“Using your pain to fuel your purpose, and where that where the tagline even came from is that I believe that there's a bunch of people out there that had been through some pain of no fault of their own. And they have walked out of something, a pain, that there's someone walking into right at this moment. And I think that's one of the biggest tragedies that people don't allow their pain to become their purpose, which I was one of them.” -Eric

“All of us are given scars at some point in our life. It's the fact that like, scars sometimes heal. I feel like it's our job, our way to be able to show the world our scars for them to be able to learn by.” -Eric

“When I lost everything that the world said I should have the world was nowhere to be found.” -Eric

“If you focus on the people, the money will come.” -Eric

connect with Eric

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Watch the full Family Reach story mentioned in the midroll below! 🎉

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Studio Selfie

Studio Selfie! Jonathan McCoy, Eric Newman, Julie Confer and Becky Endicott

Studio Selfie! Jonathan McCoy, Eric Newman, Julie Confer and Becky Endicott

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Eric Newman, Roc Solid Foundation, What Hope Looks Like, We Are For Good Podcast
Eric Newman, Roc Solid Foundation, What Hope Looks Like, We Are For Good Podcast
Eric Newman, Roc Solid Foundation, What Hope Looks Like, We Are For Good Podcast
Eric Newman, Roc Solid Foundation, What Hope Looks Like, We Are For Good Podcast