170. Bring Out Your Best! How to Align Your Passion with Purpose - Amy McLaren

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Meet Amy. She turned a holiday trip into a fundraising challenge, and $17,000 later, everything changed. Today, the Village Impact is unleashing the power of education to transform communities in Kenya, and Amy's dreams are still growing. Her wanderlust for travel and embracing new cultures found its way into her business, and today she's empowering others to find their purpose. She's outlining seven steps to shed self-doubt and chase the thing that pairs your passion with purpose. If you're struggling through your Why right now, this episode is sure to put some fuel in your tank to do good.

Today’s Guest

Amy McLaren, Entrepreneur, World traveler, and Co-Founder of Village Impact

Start by following what lights you up and what you’re passionate about, then it’s the vehicle that leads to your purpose.
— Amy McLaren, Entrepreneur, World traveler, and Co-Founder of Village Impact

Episode Transcript

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Episode Highlights

  • Amy’s story and journey to where she is today (1:50)

  • Village Impact: Empowering Girls Through Education (8:30)

  • Step into your purpose (11:00)

  • Amy’s book - Passion to Purpose: a seven-step journey to shed self doubt, find inspiration, and change your life (and the world) for the better. (13:00)

  • Creating a movement (20:00)

  • A powerful moment of philanthropy in Amy’s life (25:30)

  • Amy’s One Good Thing: Honor what you love. (28:00)

Powerful quotes

“Just being with other families and immersed in other cultures, I just it lights me up.” -Amy

“When you're in a relationship, honoring each other's passions and giving space for that creates a healthy relationship.” -Amy

“We can all use our passions to do more good in the world. And everybody's passion, and everybody's contribution looks completely different.” -Amy

“People think they have to start a charity or start a nonprofit or start a business to have an impact. And it's just not the case. Like we can have an impact starting today with what we love, and just infuse that giving back into what we're passionate about.” -Amy

“You can keep things more alive, when you're passionate about it.” -Amy

“if you're truly not passionate about what you're doing, and enjoying that, and using that, then it's not it's not going to last the test of time.” -Amy

“Your purpose is your passion.” -Amy

“the more that we focus on what we're passionate about, and focus in that area. That becomes our purpose.” -Amy

“I think people can find purpose. But first, you have to start a following what lights you up and what you're passionate about, then that leads it's the vehicle that leads to your purpose.” -Amy

“Monitor the internal talk that we say to ourselves.” -Amy

“Make sure you're not living someone else's story.” -Amy

“I was letting everyone else's kind of version of what society is placed on them or like their stories come into my head.” -Amy

“Legacy is such a big word, but it's not. Legacy isn't about a one time thing. We are building our legacy every single day. Like the way I show up as a mom, the way I show up as a wife, the way I show up in our community is so important.” -Amy

“The more you put that out there, the more people you're going to attract that know what you're doing. And when you become clear about your goals and your mission or or where you're going, it's easier for people to jump on board.” -Amy

“Honor what you love, like so many people don't honor it and push it aside and don't make it a priority. And then they wake up 15 years later, and they're like, how did I How did I get here? Because you didn't honor what you love. And you've got to do more of what you love and honor it to create your purpose.” -Amy

connect with amy

Website / Book / Instagram / Village Impact

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Watch the full Family Reach story mentioned in the midroll below! 🎉

Episode Sponsored by

Studio Selfie

Studio Selfie! Jonathan McCoy, Amy McLaren, Julie Confer and Becky Endicott

Studio Selfie! Jonathan McCoy, Amy McLaren, Julie Confer and Becky Endicott

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Amy McLaren, Village Impact, Passion to Purpose, We Are For Good Podcast
Amy McLaren, Village Impact, Passion to Purpose, We Are For Good Podcast
Amy McLaren, Village Impact, Passion to Purpose, We Are For Good Podcast
Amy McLaren, Village Impact, Passion to Purpose, We Are For Good Podcast
Honor What You Love, Amy McLaren