
hi-ya good friend,

Welcome to Pay, Leave, and Power: A Candid Conversation for the Nonprofit Sector on the We Are For Good Podcast.

Nonprofit employees are often underpaid, work long hours, fighting through overwhelming power dynamics - all while attempting to find balance.

Join us for five episodes as we break down the myths, talk about who's doing it well, unpack frameworks and scripts, and give you the tools you need to fight for your pay, leave and balance in this work. YOU are worthy of compensation, leave and peace.

Tune in to hear how you can begin to socialize these power dynamics and advocate for investment in your pay/leave with leaders and board members. Your voice is an important part of this, and we will protect your anonymity and stories.

So glad you’re here.


Jon McCoy & Becky Endicott

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Share Your Story

We want to hear from you! Share about your experience with PAY, LEAVE + POWER in the nonprofit sector. Both are confidential ways to share your story and be part of this movement. Thank you for sharing!

EPISODE 270: Monday, May 16

Evan Feinberg

Executive Director, Stand Together Foundation

The Nonprofit Pay Conversation

Meet Evan. As the Stand Together Foundation Executive Director, he leads the charge on building replicable frameworks that disrupt, empower and accelerate doing good in the world. And he’s brought an entirely new playbook to the convo of compensating nonprofits - and compensating them big-time - and we want you to have it. We’ve all heard the phrases “I won’t make a lot in nonprofit, but I love having a career with meaning.” NO MORE. Tune in to get the frameworks, negotiation tips and script to help you build a strong case for better pay. Those who pour into others should be incentivized for their work - not handed scraps. Let’s elevate and equalize!


Episode 271: Tuesday, May 17

Orli Cotel

Senior Advisor, Paid leave for the u.S.

The Paid Leave Conversation

Meet Orli. She’s a founding leader of Paid Leave for the U.S. (PLUS), a nonprofit focused on winning paid family and medical leave. PLUS has helped win paid leave for more than 8M people, and Oril is bringing her knowledge, tools, case studies and adapting it all to the nonprofit sector.  She’s also sharing how to create a work environment that promotes work-life balance for employees as we build a movement where personal life comes first. 


Episode 272: Wednesday, May 18

Jodi Patkin

Senior vice president of Brand Marketing & Communications, theskimm

TheSkimm's #ShowUsYourLeave Campaign

Meet Jodi. Not only is she the Senior VP of Brand Marketing and Communication at theSkimm [insert swoon], she’s also a passionate advocate of building the movement powering paid leave reform in the U.S. She’s diving into the viral phenomenon of theSkimm’s #ShowUsYourLeave Campaign, and what nonprofits can do to pour into the moment. She’s also sharing how to build a massive global-movement-for-good with rabid fans and corporations alike. “Paid leave is not a benefit - it’s a human right.” [Hard Stop] 


Episode 273: Thursday, May 19

Maria Choi

CEO and Founder, Raise for good

The Power Dynamics in Major Gifts

Meet Maria. This CEO and Founder is passionate about uniting technology, philanthropy and social good to solve critical issues. She’s unapologetically talking to us about the negative impact that power dynamics have on major gifts, paid leave, cultures and benefits while sharing a reimagined strategy to shift philanthropic power dynamics. “We believe in changing power dynamics in philanthropy, and helping nonprofit leaders build sustainable organizations to increase access to education, workforce, and economic potential of women and people of color.” You know we’re here for this🙌


Episode 274: Friday, May 20

Iara Peng

Founder, justfund

The Power Dynamics in Grantmaking

Meet Iara. This powerhouse founder and world-changer is taking on the power dynamics found in grantmaking with a novel solution allowing funders to move money more quickly to grantees. [insert heel kick] She’s addressing why we should be shifting power to the frontlines, why trust-based philanthropy IS the future, and how the sector is shifting to toward centering equity in our practice. Orgs serving marginalized or populations of color - you don’t want to miss this episode (potential funding available!💰).


Resources to Help You Dig Deeper

The following list is certainly not exhaustive, but our hope was to create a starting place. Have suggestions of additional resources? Email us and let us know. Thank you!
