Good Feeling Playlist


Looking for warm fuzzies and good vibes? This playlist features heartwarming stories and ridiculously good humans powering amazing causes. Dive in and spread the good feelings.

1. How to Save the Worldwide Water Crisis by Putting Ourselves Out of Business - Matt Hangen - (episode shownotes)

2. The Story of Gaining Ground Literacy - Lisa Shotts and Kirby Mackenzie - (episode shownotes)

3. The Birthday Party Project: 12,000 Parties + Counting for Children Experiencing Homelessness - Paige Chenault - (episode shownotes)

4. The Pearl House: how a Mission of Love + Education is Transforming Lives - Courtney Bullard (episode shownotes)

5. Madam C.J. Walker’s Gospel of Giving: Black Women’s Philanthropy During Jim Crow - Tyrone McKinley Freeman (episode shownotes)

6. The Promise of Generation Alpha + the Mission of In a Perfect World - Manuela Testolini (episode shownotes)

7. A Place at The Table: Fighting Food Insecurity with Dignity, Choice + Radical Hospitality - Maggie Kane (episode shownotes)

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Jon McCoy, CFRE