305. Enneagram for Nonprofits: Pt 3. Internal Dynamics - Jonathan McCoy, CFRE, Becky Endicott, CFRE and Kishshana Palmer, CFRE

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It’s Enneagram Friday! Our Peacemaker and Helper hearts are geeked out around the enthusiasm and noise for our Friday Enneagram series. And now we’re moving from theory to application with the nonprofit leadership expert of our hearts: Kishshana Palmer, CFRE! Kish breaks down how to use the Enneagram internally with your fundraising shop: how it helps give grace to each other, how to flex it amidst team dynamics, and the good/bad/ugly she’s seen with different types over the years. Still haven’t taken the free test? No sweat - find it here and report back!

Jon: Type 9 - The Peacemaker ✌️
Becky: Type 2 - The Helper 🤗
Julie: Type 2 - The Helper 🤗

Today’s Guest

Kishshana Palmer, Speaker, Educator, Trainer, Coach and Recovering Fundraiser, and Founder of The Rooted Collaborative

This is a tool that allows you to be able to unpack some of those things and how people experience you so that you’re able to go okay, what’s next?
— Kishshana Palmer

Episode Transcript

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Episode Overview

  • How Kishshana got into the Enneagram (2:45)

  • Laying groundwork to build stronger teams with the Enneagram (6:30)

  • Integrating Enneagram as a cultural norm into organizations (11:30)

  • Avoiding putting people into a box based on their Enneagram type (15:30)

  • How leaders can support teams by knowing Enneagram types (22:30)

  • Kishshana’s One Good Thing: “This is an opportunity for you to give voice to the parts of yourself that have previously felt voiceless.” (28:30)

Powerful quotes

“I think because I know that I am coming into who I am in the world, for real, for real, I am releasing the pretenses of performance and of pleasing people and of wanting to be liked, and all the stuff that comes with that. I wonder if that in and of itself is actually revealing who I am at my core.” -Kishshana

“As a day to day manager, one of the powers of leveraging the Enneagram, is you have to constantly stay on your toes in terms of the perspective of how people show up in the world, and how you show up in the world and how that interaction moves the ball and stops the ball in your work, and in the relationships you're building with your teams and to be able to activate your missions.” -Kishshana

“This is an opportunity for you to give voice to the parts of yourself that have previously felt voiceless. And, to step away from yourself in the healthiest way to be an observer of how you have shown up to date, in your own life.” -Kishshana

“This is a tool that allows you to be able to unpack some of those things and how people experience you so that you're able to go okay, what's next?” -Kishshana

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